For what i feel, what i see, what i hear, what i dream of, what i used to be, what i would be. Here i am. Just take a deep breath, then read!

Friday, December 03, 2010

Mulutmu, Harimaumu!

Yeah. Here it is!

dimulai dengan opening qoute : Life is sooo unpredictable, baby!

Hmm. gue ga pernah tau apa yang akan gue hadapi dalam semenit ke depan. sejam ke depan. setengah hari kedepan. 2 hari ke depan. hingga akhirnya, sampai pada kenyataan kalo gue gapunya hari esok, gue ga punya waktu lagi sejam kedepan. (aduh, ini serem amat kok jadi ngomongin beginian). oke. itu terlalu out-of-topic. Gini, gue mau nanya, apa yang lo lakuin kalo lo tau seseorang itu bhong? apa lo akan ngasi tau itu ke semua orang? atau, lo ngasi tau itu ke dia supaya dia ga gitu lagi? atau lo diem aja?

kalo gue. gue gamau pernah bikin orang itu malu karena kata2 gue. i mean, though gue tahu, kalo omongannya cuma big bullshit doank, gue memilih untuk ga peduli. bersikap acuh, seolah-olah nanggepin, pdahal mah terabaikan gitu aja. ditelen juga ngga. gue gamau pernah nguak itu, meskipun gue juga gamau orang2 tertipu karena dia. haha. kalopun orang harus tau, gue gamau mereka tau dari mulut gue. ga enak aja gitu rasanya bikin orang lain malu. gue jadi inget, obrolan gue sama jodi waktu malam-malam itu, di perjalanan kita menuju rumah, diatas Titam (nama motornya Joddy, yang sekarang udah ga ada, raib digondol maling. Hwaa. sedih), gue pernah bilang gitu ke dia. 
"Jod, suatu saat lo juga akan tau", kata gue. Jadi waktu itu kita lagi ngebahas tentang sebuah  rahasiaa. gue lupa rahasia tentang apa.

 "Yauda, lo kasi tau apaan", kata Jodi penasaran..

"Ih, yauda sih sabar, biar nanti lo tau dari orang lain", 

"Kalo gue mau taunya dari elo apa bedanya? sama aja kali!"

"Nah, itu. Gue gamau lo taunya dari mulut gue. Gue gamau salah ngomong nanti. Haha".

Pasti Jodi keki karena gue ngomong stengah-stengah (kebiasaan buruk yang terpelihara. refleks boss), dan kayanya dia udah bisa nerima itu. Haha. Maap yey!

Yah, begitulah. gue jadi inget temen gue, my SOO~~ BELOVED FRIEND, named Putra Yuda. Whoa. Thumbs up abis. keren dalam artian, sesuai konteks diatas. gue udah eneg banget sama sikapnya. yah, gue bisa aja ngepublish semua ketololan dia, tapi untungnya buat gue apa? NOTHING! tapi kali ini, ingin rasanya gue pengen nampar dia di depan umum, pengen banget ngejahatin dia di depan umum, ngebongkar semua kebohongan dia, pengen banget. Then, the evil has just in me. Haha. Tapi, apa gue mampu? Kalo ngeliat mukanya, rasanya gatel tangan gue. Gimana ngga? dia udah bikin malu gue di depan umum, di depan banyak orang, bahkan semua orang tau, karena satu hal yang simpel. Dan, dia udah terlalu melebih-lebihkan semuanya. dia ngga mikir apa, suatu saat  itu semua berbalik ke dia, kalo gue mau?! Bodoh!

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Thursday, December 02, 2010

Its Damn True! #1

Here are the words that most describe waht i've been true. Hha. Another copycat, but it's normal (for me). Haha. Here they are :

MOVE ON = 2 words + Easy to say + HELL TO DO!  
well, actually this sentence is not so friendly to me, huh. it's soo okay, better than no. i've been trough this since a half year, but now, it seems be back. and, im so 'thankful' to a friend of mine, Jodhi. He's the one who have madde my feeling unwell, just because of this. I still remember the way he sing those broken heart songs for me, the way he looks at me, where his eyes stare at me then say ; "Oh, girl, come'on, you gotta go out of these". Then, i just can laughed at him, and say that everything's allright, baby. He asked me to move on. Huh, it will never be like this if he didnt remind me, seems like you have me it so hell for me to do, haha!. Ok, thanks a much anyway, dear!

There are songs i cant listen to because all the nostalgia comes up with them.
here it is. totally right, eh? yeah, those songs sometimes make us feel soo different. i mean, they suddenly can change our mood. so predictable, it may cause all the memories are in the songs. Haha. this qoute reminds me these words :

Every song has a memory; every song has the ability to make or break your heart.
 so  true, rite? lol

Poor me, i haven't met Mr. Right yet, but you have met Mr. Fake, Mr. Rude, and Mr. Player!
well, actually, i've ever met a right once. :) so better than never, rite? ever met, ever have, but poor me, i lose him. -___-"   *soo drama!*

"To know and be disappointed" is better than "To not know and always wonder."
at least, you have experienced. so fine if you fail. it shows that you have enough know about the pain, and know how to make a good start again. huh, soo easy to tell, then damn so hard to do. so human!

In every tweet/text I send, there's either a "haha" and/or smiley in each of them.
not really a bull, haha. (see? another 'haha' in it. so common)

The most difficult thing = Hide your tears behind your smile
anyone who doesnt the meaning of these?! oh, get out, please.

Forgive and forget are such the hardest things to do
but for me, it's soo easy to forgive, but so damn hard to put them away from my mind.

Fuuh! damn its true!

Just take a deep breath for a sec, then relax! Enjoy what i feel. :)
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