For what i feel, what i see, what i hear, what i dream of, what i used to be, what i would be. Here i am. Just take a deep breath, then read!

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Missing waves ; Escapism

And, when sun almost sets, they still happy doing their things. Lying on white sands, enjoying the waves, talking with others, building a sand-castle, sharing love. Me? I just found myself here on another earth, miles away from my home.. Reaching another home called peace, i feel the warmth. What an escape!

Turnamen Foto Perjalanan 16 : Escapism

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Wednesday, March 06, 2013

you - yellow

Look at the stars | Look how they shine for you | And everything you do | Yeah, they were all yellow | I came along | I wrote a song for you | And all the things you do | And it was called yellow | So then I took my turn | Oh what a thing to have done | And it was all yellow

Your skin | Oh your skin and bones | Turn into something beautiful | You know, you know I love you so | You know I love you so | I swam across | I jumped across for you | Oh what a thing to do | Cos you were all yellow | I drew a line | I drew a line for you | Oh what a thing to do | And it was all yellow | Your skin | Oh yeah your skin and bones | Turn into something beautiful | And you know

For you I'd bleed myself dry | For you I'd bleed myself dry.

It's true

Look how they shine for you | Look how they shine for you | Look how they shine for | Look how they shine for you | Look how they shine for you | Look how they shine | Look at the stars | Look how they shine for you | And all the things that you do
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Monday, March 04, 2013

Februari rasa asam manis..

Really nice to know that February has already ended :)

Kenapa? Ya karena artinya Maret telah tiba, dan April menanti. Ada apa dengan April? Later on akan diceritakan..

Sedikit bertutur, Februari gue ini ditutup dengan perasaan super galau. Galau karena tiba-tiba ada tawaran yang memang gue cari dari dulu. Dan, dengan proses yang begitu cepat, melaju bak Shinkansen nya Jepang, gue harus memutuskan sesuatu. Sesuatu yang sangat 'sesuatu'. Tarik nafas panjang, daaaan... tadaaaa! I finally made a decision. Butuh tiga hari untuk ngerasain galau-galau gak jelas itu, dan menyadarkan diri bahwa gue harus mengambil keputusan sesegera mungkin. Oke, tanya sama Tuhan, tanya sama Mama, dan gue yakinkan diri inilah yang terbaik. 

Seyakin apa? 

Jujur, gue masih belum tau. Ya wajar lah ya, namanya juga baru pertama kali. Tapi, nothing to lose aja lah, jalanin dulu, baru bisa tau itu yang terbaik atau engga. Lagian, gue percaya Tuhan punya rencana, ya salah satunya ini. 

Dampak dari keputusan itu adalah gue harus keluar dari comfort zone gue. Gue yakin, for every human being who lives on this earth, it is not easy. Ini gambling. Tapi, buat orang-orang yang mau bergerak (ke arah yang lebih baik), bukannya sometimes kita emang harus rela keluar dari comfort zone kita?

Kayak khotbah Pendeta Hutapea semalam, penderitaan akan menghasilkan kesabaran, dan kesabaran akan menghasilkan ketekunan. Ya, pokoknya segala sesuatu itu kalau dilakukan dengan ikhlas, akan berujung baik, bukan?

Itu satu.

Yang kedua, di Februari ini, selain rasa galau, gue juga ngerasain rasa manis. Thanks God karena bisa ngerasain manis di tengah-tengah Februari kemarin. Hihihi, seengaknya gue berhasil men-challenge diri gue untuk masih berani main-main begitu. Ya meskipun awalnya gue sama sekali tiadk menanggapi, namun setelah sarang dari seorang teman, ya yaudalah, gue tanggepin, dan berujung pada tengah Februari itu. Hahaha... 

Oh iya! Di awal Februari, ternyata gue ngerasain galau juga. Sialaaaaaan! Februari rasa apa sih ini? Hahhaha. Galau di awal Februari adalah galau untuk ngambil cuti. Hahahhaha.. Gue udah pasrah aja, kalau cuti gue bakalan gak approved, dan bakal kenapa-kenapa nanti. :p
Tapi, ya sudahlah, galau yang ini cuma berhenti sampai tanggal 23 Februari 2013, setelah sebelumnya gue memuntahkan semua ke Geng Bali. :))

Really nice to have you, guys! *grouphug*

Oke... There's the short recap of my February. So, how's your February? How does it taste?

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Friday, March 01, 2013

This is nop goodbye, just see you later!

Yes, it is.

It sounds better, right? :)

After a long time, and also experiences, i have learned that separation is sometimes means nothing. Only body that separated, but soul? Soul is sometimes still belongs to. Since the first i know that i am the one who hates of saying goodbye. I hate the situation which force us to say goodbye, or anykind of that. Could I ask you to stay longer? I think this is the best time for us being apart one to another..
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